Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Moment of Truth!

We dispatched the memorials for the Moot Court Competition yesterday. The Competition is scheduled to take place in Patiala over the next weekend. We'll be jostling all the major law schools of the Country for an opportunity to represent India at the World Finals to be held at Nairobi, Kenya.

Irrespective of the outcome, I promise to bring you all stories related to what would be my first visit to the Punjabi heartland.

God willing, we'll go to Africa in September!

Take care people, and may God bless!


bhumika said...

all the best :)

Sur said...

Oye hoye Punjaabb! sahi hai yaar, All the Best!
Hope your next destination is Africa, I'll visit it vicariously!

A said...

thanks alot for the comments;
have a nice journey; I know very less about law stuffs.

SpaceMonkey said...

Good luck bro!!!

Unknown said...

Shall we see a few more brilliant African pics? Hope soon! :)

Debanshu Mukherjee said...


Thanks people!